
Lyne There are lots of things that make me happy in my life: cooking, reading, writing, traveling, camping, eating at a new restaurant…

These things not only give me real joy but it also calms me, brings me to a humble and quiet place where the world around me crumbles and where I really am relaxed.

This blog started as a positive space where I could share some ideas about baking and cooking. For more than two years, it was called Sugar Coated and it was all about recipes. But time changes, interest shift a bit, and here you have it, the version 2.0 of Sugar Coated: The Willow Life.

The name came to me a Saturday morning. I live on a street named Saules, which is the French name for Willows. When looking at more information about willow trees, I read something that I very much liked. It said about willows that “their roots are remarkable for their toughness, size, and tenacity to life”, which really inspired me. From that moment, I knew it was the right name.

Since I am always looking at trying new projects (and I sometimes fail miserably), this blog is now a space to talk about what really makes my life sweeter on Willow Street – may it be traveling, a book I loved, a new project in the house or a DIY adventure. Of course, this blog will always showcase many of my favourite recipes.

I started blogging in 2012 in Ottawa, and since then have moved to the beautiful town of Aylmer in Québec.

Sandbanks Winery, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
This blog would not be the same without the contribution of the talented photographer Jacob Fergus, who takes every picture for this blog. You can visit his photography website by clicking here.

To contact me, please email me at lyne.robi@gmail.com

Thanks for stopping by.

Lyne xxx

38 thoughts

  1. I found your blog through another blogger, Martha Bernie. Everything you mentioned above in your About section are things I love as well! I look forward to seeing your posts and getting to know you.

    1. That’s so great to hear, thank you so much for the comment. I hope you will like the blog and that you will find some delicious recipes to try at home 🙂

    1. Hi Lily, thanks so much! Coming from you who have such a lovely blog, I take it as a big compliment 🙂 I will check you post very shortly and will get back to you. Thanks for asking me!

  2. I really love this ‘About’ page of yours. I see happiness all over. 😀 Your recipes are so enticing. 😀

    Btw, nice to meet you. 😉

    1. Thank you so very much! I only had a quick look at your blog but I already know I will enjoy following you! I am very pleased to meet you as well and thank you for sharing Sugar Coated on your blog 🙂 Cheers!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! You have a lovely blog, the recipes and photos are wonderful! 🙂

  4. Glad you found my site, because now I have found yours! Looks like you have some super yummy recipes on here! Looking forward to following you!

    1. Thank you very much! Jacob and I spend a lot of time on the pictures so it is very nice to hear people saying they like them. I also very much like your blog, good work 🙂

  5. Beautiful blog! I’m so glad you wandered over to my site, allowing me to find yours. 🙂 Based on the few posts I’ve visited so far, you offer a delicious array of recipes. I can’t wait to explore more.

    1. Thanks for the nice words, they are really appreciated 🙂 yes i found your blog this morning and liked it as well. I am glad you stopped by and hopefully you will like our recipes. Cheers!

    1. Thank you so much! And I can absolutely return the compliment – I just had a sneak peek of you blog and it looks amazing. I am looking forward to having a good look at it this weekend. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you will like reading me and trying our recipes 🙂

  6. The gorgeous pictures and yummy food. I’m absolutely loving your blog. 🙂 Your boyfriend sure is a lucky guy, to be paid in cupcakes is ‘the dream’. 😉
    P.S: So envious of your souffle. Mine deflated withing minutes of coming out of the oven. I couldn’t get half decent pics.

    1. Hahaha!! Thank you so much, I appreciate your kind words. And well Jacob don’t complain to be paid in cupcakes,lol! Don’t give up on the souffle, I think it means it needed just a little bit more time in the oven… I am no expert but it is my guess. And to be fair, souffle stays nice for a 3-4 minutes, then it goes down. Thanks for stopping by and the nice message! 🙂 And as you know, I follow your blog which I really like 🙂 Best of luck to you!

  7. Thanks so much for the compliments about my blog – I really appreciate it! Yes, I will never forget how awful that cheesecake was, both texture and taste – glad it gave you a laugh – I laughed too because what else can you do? No point getting upset about it – it’s all a “learning experience”. I will definitely have a good look around your beautiful blog and try one of your recipes to bake with Spider boy. Will let you know the results! And thank you for adding my blog to your list below! Best wishes, Alex.

  8. Hi, I love the name of your blog by the way (and the tagline). And the header pic is stunning! Thanks so much for stopping by mine and following. I am following yours too. I am looking forward to having a good read of your blog – it really seems like my cup of tea. I like baking too but I’m no expert – in the experimental stages! Best wishes.

    1. Thanks so much!! I totally loved your blog, your writting is funny and smart – especially liked the cheesecake experiment and the way you told the story, I had a good and honest laugh – I have experienced my share of baking disaster so I could totally relate! You are doing a great job and hopefully you will find a recipe on mine to try with Spider boy 🙂

  9. Félicitations pour ton blogue Lyne! 🙂 J’y vois beaucoup de travail agencé avec des anecdotes très personnelles qui rendent la lecture encore plus significative! Les photos sont magnifiques aussi, dignes d’un vrai livre de recettes. Ca fait drôle de te lire en anglais, j’espère que tu feras quelques posts dans la lange de Molière 😉 xxx

    1. Merci Catherine! Je ferai aussi le message à Jacob pour les photos 🙂 Et c’est à suivre pour les publications en français, mais je peux t’assurer qu’il y en aura! C’est un projet en développement. Merci encore pour ton message xxx

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